The Apron Café, located within the Royal Aero Club of Western Australia, welcomes both members and non-members to enjoy its delicious offerings. With a unique view overlooking Jandakot Airport, it’s the perfect spot to relax and watch the planes while enjoying a meal or coffee.

Opening hours
Monday – Friday: 7:30am to 3:00pm
Friday Nights: 4:00pm to 8:00pm
Weekends: 8:30am to 3:00pm
Our kitchen is open from Tuesday to Sunday, but our fresh cabinet food, including selections of breads, pastries, and desserts, is available all week long. Enjoy a tasty selection anytime!

✓ Lift

✓ Free Wi-fi

✓ Free parking

✓ Open to the public

✓ Aero Club Members get a 10% discount on beverages and meals.

Check out our new summer menu!
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