Flight Review Seminars are run quarterly at RACWA to help you stay current.
If you attend the seminar, you will be able to “tick off” the questionnaire, and then you have 3 months to conduct the flight component.
“As part of the Flight Review process I have initiated a programme that will hopefully make your Flight Review (FR) more streamlined and a little less daunting.” David Royans, RACWA Head of Operations
We have enlisted the aid of one of our most experienced instructors, David Schneiker, to prepare and deliver a seminar for the conduct of FRs.
For pilots conducting their FR at RACWA, attendance at the seminar will meet the requirement for the FR questionnaire, and the questionnaire will remain valid for 3 months (your flight component can be done up to 3 months after the seminar).
David will present the seminar (the ground component), which should take approximately 1.5 to 2.0 hours at the Aero Club on a Saturday or Sunday every quarter.
Any seminars conducted at RACWA for these, or similar events in the future are free of charge for financial members of RACWA.