The Royal Aero Club of WA presents: An Infrequent Flyers’ Forum
The Infrequent flyers program is intended for members who haven’t flown for a while and are interested in refreshing their competencies in both pre-flight and flying.
The entire program will be run over 4 consecutive months, involving a “Rusty Pilots” package, a Maintenance Course, course for partners of pilots and an AFR Refresher course.
The first session Rusty Pilots will be held this month. Commencing at 6:45pm on Wednesday June 17
Followed by Hands-on Flying “Club Route One” on Saturday afternoon 20 June
In the coming months expect
- A maintenance course (propellor handling and changing a tire)
- Partners Course (does your partner know how to land a plane if they were beside you and if you weren’t consious?)
- AFR Refresher (be prepared for your next AFR)
Registrations for these courses are essential email or phone our operations staff on (08) 9417 0000